Sunday, August 7, 2011

Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords

Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords

High Paying AdSense Keywords: Find the highest paying Google AdSense keywords and optimization tips. High paying keywords and alternatives
So how many of you out there have heard about these high paying Google AdSense keywords? I'm sure everyone. The problem with these people and sites are that they are drastically off base with their quotes. I've done a lot of research on high paying AdSense keywords and for the most part, there aren't many with staggering CPC.
Seriously some of these people are claiming that they know Google keywords that pay upwards of $100 per click. Well I'll tell you right now that's a load of bull. There are some pretty high paying keywords but none of them touch $100. I mean come on be realistic, if an ad pays $100 a click that means the advertiser is spending at least twice that for an advertisement! And with a general search volume of about 2000 clicks the advertising cost would be outrageous! So don't listen to these quacks saying they know where these unbelievable keywords are because they don't exist.
For those of you who don't know what CPC is, it stands for Cost Per Click. That is the price an advertiser would need to pay per click of their ad they are running. You as a publisher would get anywhere between 20% and 60% of the CPC. So let's say the CPC was $5, you know you will get $2.50 at the max.
Sometimes finding the right keyword or phrase isn't as easy as point and click. So what you need to do is use a keyword tool or traffic estimator. You type in your keywords or phrase that you've decided on and the tool will show you the search volume and other related keywords and phrases. This will help you decide if your keywords or phrases will be the most profitable in Google AdSense.
For instance...Personal Injury Lawyer has a good search volume and a high CPC, BUT, Chicago Personal Injury Attorney has an even higher CPC. Little adjustments to specify what you're going for makes a world of difference. This here is pretty much SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, in a paragraph. Take whatever you're writing about or promoting or whatever and define it from dog training to how to train your dog to stop biting. Make sure to sprinkle your content with your keywords or phrases and if possible put it in your title as well. Trust me it will work. And that ladies and gentleman is SEO.
Now How Many Of You Have Felt Like This
You've been doing your research and you've found high paying Google AdSense keywords. You've started to get some views and impressions and yet still nothing. Goose egg. Zilch. Nada. Ok, ok, I'm getting carried away. I'm sure anyone who has tried Google AdSense has felt this horror before.
Well really it comes down to a couple things:
* SEO (search engine optimization)
* Content
* Competition
* Subject
SEO is quite simple as I explained above. Optimize your target by taking a plain Jane subject like dog training and define it by doing how to train your dog to etc etc. Put your keywords or phrases throughout your content and in the title if you can. A lot of times the title has been taken so try to double it up or stretch it out like so..train your dog-how to train your dog to stop biting. Doubling and stretching like that really ranks high on search engines.
Content, you must have good quality original informative content in your article, blog, website, whatever it may be. A lot of place you write can see if you've cut and pasted someone else's work off the net and search engines are less likely to pick up on duplicates. So keep it original and informative.
Competition simply means are you chasing a niche that has thousands and thousands of people targeting the same thing. Now it's not always bad with Google AdSense to chase a high competed for niche but it's typically a better idea to find something with lower competition. This allows you a much greater chance of getting seen.
Subject or Niche is an important thing to pay attention to. If you're going after a niche that doesn't really have a following, then you're not going to get any views, clicks or what have you. For example, how many people do you think are searching for trash bags versus car insurance? Find a subject or niche that people are and will continue to search.
Now you can take all this information I've given you and do extra research on each of them. If you want more in detail descriptions and layout. I just try to explain things in the most simple way possible. The one thing that got me when I started online was how everyone had these long drawn out explanations for everything. I was screaming "why can't you just flat out tell me!?" So after some time reading a hundred different peoples eBooks or websites and blogs about how to do this and that, I figured I'd share my knowledge and put it in words anyone can understand.
You don't always have to go for the most expensive niche to still be profitable. Start by checking out how much things cost in areas you know a lot about and would enjoy writing about. That way with your first steps in the door while you're learning you'll be having fun doing it. Then you can move on to more expensive, which I have found to mean boring, niches.
Now write a little each day, or maybe one article, blog whatever a day. The more you have the more you get with high paying Google AdSense keywords. Try and link your things together that have the same unique content. This way you'll get people traveling through your stream of information checking your ads and your links etc. And remember just because you're trying to make money doesn't mean you can't have fun. So HAVE FUN WRITING
High Paying Google AdSense Keywords
As promised here are some high paying Google AdSense keywords for you to start on. Now remember this is the CPC (cost per click) for the advertiser, so you figure 50% - 80% is yours.
* Chicago personal injury attorney~~~~$25 - $36. average $31
* Chicago personal injury lawyer~~~~$25 - $34. average $31
Just a little side note, basically any state and personal injury attorney or lawyer is a high paying Google AdSense keyword but Chicago seems to be the highest. Ranging from $15 - $30 per click.
And don't be afraid to take some words and switch them around or add words to find more money per click. Research is key!
* Auto Insurance Quote~~~$17 - $25. average $22
* Life Insurance Quote~~~$15 - $23. average $19
* Car Insurance Quote~~~$19 - $28. average $24
* New Lasik~~~$15 - $21. average $19
* Best Equity Loan~~~$17 - $24. average $22
* Mesothelioma Treatments~~~$18 - $27. average $23
Do you want to make money with Google? Click Here

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How Knowing the Highest Paying AdSense Keywords Can Make You Money

How Knowing the Highest Paying AdSense Keywords Can Make You Money

If you've spent any time using AdSense on websites to try to make money then there's no doubt that you know that with AdSense it's surprisingly easy to make money, yet incredibly hard to make a lot of it. Luckily there are a number of best practices to help increase your earnings. Of course positioning of the ads on a web page is critical to success, as are the colors used in the ads, but these should be a no-brainer for you by now. Instead, I want to discuss how knowing what keywords are high paying can be huge for increasing your earnings with AdSense.
First of all, it's important to understand what makes a keyword high paying. Since AdSense is simply a channel for Google's ad serving platform, AdWords, the keyword that end up being the highest paying are the words that AdWords advertisers have chosen to bid the highest for. For those intimately familiar with AdWords, there is a concept of Quality Score that also factors into things, but for our purposes we can safely ignore that. When advertisers are willing to bid a large amount then AdSense ads that are triggered on your site for those keywords will also tend to be the highest paying. Now this isn't an exact science but it certainly is a tried and tested best practice for ramping up your AdSense profits.
By knowing which keywords are the highest paying you can then tailor the content on your site to better trigger ads on those higher paying keywords. For example, if you knew that the keyword 'mountain bike' earned on average $0.80 per click while 'full suspension mountain bike' earned $1.20 per click then it would be wise to create content about full suspension mountain bikes. In this content you want to make sure that you use the keyword that you're targeting in the title and a few times in the body text as well. Also be sure to take advantage of Google AdSense's section targeting feature to help increase the chances of the higher paying keywords triggering the AdSense ads.
As you develop this new content, you also want to be mindful of how you're going to get people to view this new content. After all, if people don't see the content then there's certainly no way that they're going to click on your AdSense ads. For this reason it's important to know not only which keywords are the highest paying but also which keywords get searched often on search engines. The keywords that have more search traffic can potentially bring in more organic (SEO) traffic to your site which of course means more money in your pocket.

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High Paying AdSense Keywords - How to Find

High Paying AdSense Keywords - How to Find

Among those who want to make high revenue from Google AdSense, most of the AdSense publishers are looking for top level keywords: which keywords receive top commission in clicks. This is true that "higher an advertiser pays for a keyword, the higher the publisher receive commission in per click", so the publishers try to find the higher paying keywords in their contents of website links. The most expensive AdWords, which will usually bring the highest paying Adsense clicks, are those related to industries with high profit margins.
But, how can the publishers find those keywords for their site(s)? That is a great question for the publisher because finding good and high PPC keywords and managing the keywords in content or article is really a challenging task. Well, the answer depends on who you are and what you have prepared to reach to those keywords. But the general good news is that you can, indeed, find such keywords if you need them.
Certainly, there are different ways to find the high paying keywords: paying methods and free methods. If you want to find high paying keywords free of cost, you can try searching Google. But there are many companies which are selling their services to help to find high paying keywords.
There is another method, if such a solution does not work for you; you can eventually choose a method of personal investigation. That means you can try out keywords by yourself and see which one works better or worse for you. For that reason, you can try or for keyword suggestion as "keyword suggestion tools". But you can use different ways to find good paying keywords by investigating yourself.
So, there are different methods to find high paying keywords to increase Google AdSense revenue. But, I have to say that, only having high paying keywords do not work to increase AdSense revenue; those are the trips to increase the revenue. So try your best to increase your AdSense revenue.

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99 High Paying Keywords: The Secret Is Out!

99 High Paying Keywords: The Secret Is Out!

Incorporating high paying keywords into your site is critical to maximizing your income. Who has the time to figure it all out? How much are you willing to pay for this type of information? The secret is out: Here are 99 keywords you can use with payouts averaging $2-$100 per click:
1. Structured settlements
2. Mesothelioma
3. Acne
4. Life Insurance
5. Death Insurance
6. Bextra
7. Asbestos
8. Car Insurance
9. Dental Plans
10. Private Jets
11. Debt Consolidation
12. Credit Cards
13. Rewards Cards
14. Equity Loans
15. Equity Line Credit
16. Loans
17. Mortgages
18. Pay Day Loans
19. Cash Advance
20. Bankruptcy
21. Reduce Debt
22. Refinance
23. Jet Charter
24. Vioxx
25. Wrongful death
26. Legal Advice
27. Taxes
28. Investing
29. Bonds
30. Online Trading
31. IRA Rollover
32. Refinance Quotes
33. Adult Education
34. Distance Learning
35. Alcohol Treatment
36. Rehab
37. Drug Rehab
38. Spyware
39. Cell Phone Plans
40. Calling Cards
41. VOIP
42. Weight Loss
43. Canadian Pharmacy
44. Depression
45. Spam Filter
46. Lasik
47. Facelift
48. Teeth Whitening
49. Annuity
50. Anti Virus Protection
51. Adult Diaper
52. Free Credit Report
53. Credit Score
54. Satellite
55. Anti Spam Software
56. Dedicated Hosting
57. Domain Name
58. Need Money
59. Bachelor Degree
60. Master Degree
61. Doctorate Degree
62. Work at Home
63. Quick Book
64. Extra Money
65. Eloan
66. Malpractice Lawyer
67. Lenox China
68. Cancer
69. Payperclick
70. Personal Injury Attorney
71. Lexington Law
72. Video Conferencing
73. Transfer Money
74. Windstar Cruise
75. Casinos Online
76. Term Life
77. Online Banking
78. Borrow Money
79. Low Interest Credit Cards
80. Personal Domain Name
81. Cellular Phone Rental
82. Internet Broker
83. Trans Union
84. Cheap Hosting
85. University Degrees Online
86. Online Marketing
87. Consolidate
88. Helpdesk Software
89. Web Host
90. Homeowner's Insurance
91. Yellow Page Advertising
92. Travel Insurance
93. Register Domain
94. Credit Counseling
95. Email Hosting
96. Business Credit
97. Consumer Credit
98. Blue Cross
99. Laptop Computer

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Top Paying Keywords: How to Increase Your Pay Per Click Returns

Top Paying Keywords: How to Increase Your Pay Per Click Returns

There is no doubting the success of Google's Adsense program. Even Yahoo! and Kanoodle have joined in on the game, offering to join publishers with advertisers. Given the right circumstances, its a win / win situation for both.
There have been many sites that promote Top Paying Keywords and how if you add these keywords you can instantly improve your Adsense revenue. However, if you really want to see a dramatic increase in pay per clicks, you need to ensure 2 very important areas are addressed. They seem very obvious, but many site owners miss the opportunity to attract higher paying ads simply because they ignore these two areas.
Many "would be" web designers decide to build a site around the highest paying keywords, yet, forget to optimize their site around a specific keyword. Instead, they forget the basics of how to properly create a title tag, page description, keyword density and having clean search engine spider friendly code. 
Remember, it's the source code that the Adsense and Kanoodle programs are using to decide what ads will appear. If your top 2 keywords are "insurance" and "downloads", you may find that you end up with ads regarding "insurance downloads" which of course will not pay much.
Also, having a high keyword density score for the keyword can get you into trouble with the search engines (specifically Google). Keywords spamming is never a good idea.
Optimize your page and you will search more hits to that page and not confuse the bots that create the ads for you.
This is by far the most important and most missed tips. If you are going to include top paying keywords on your site, remember, if you want to attract high paying ads, you need to be selling your visitor on what your advertiser wants. Your content should sell to the visitors needs. Why should your visitor consider car insurance? What are the benefits of car insurance? Where can they get the best quotes? If you pique the interest of your visitor, they are more likely to click on your ads than if they feel that they are not getting the information they came to your site for in the first place.
Your content should have a specific flow to it. If you start jamming keywords into your content, your visitor will automatically suspect that you are trying to deceive them. Once you do that, they are gone! Why waste your visitors time after working so hard to get them to your site in the first place? 
Well optimized, focused content will always produce better, higher paying ads. That is why you are a publisher: you want those high paying ads on your site. What use though are those high paying keywords if your content doesn't pique your visitors curiosity? Be passionate about your content, and the click through rates will skyrocket!
Its also important to make sure that you are using the right number of ads per page, but that is for another article!

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Getting High Paying AdSense Ads on Your Blog

Getting High Paying AdSense Ads on Your Blog

So, you have been using AdSense for awhile now and you have done everything to make your blog AdSense friendly. You are putting up targeted content and bringing in relevant ads to your site. You may be enjoying decent revenue due to your efforts, but you want to step it up a notch.
So, what can you do to increase your AdSense revenue even further?
  • Attract higher paying ads of course!
Sounds simple right? Not so much.
Let's first review the AdSense program itself. It is driven by the Google AdWords program. In this program the advertisers pay for ads to appear during searches which are based on keywords which they choose. The cost of these ads is based on a auction type setting where advertisers bid an amount that they are willing to pay, per keyword, to have their ads appear. If they are the highest bidder for that keyword, their ad will appear higher in the ads or more frequently.
Keeping this in mind, the most popular keywords will obviously be the more expensive keywords for the advertiser since the competition is so great. It's simple demand and supply.
So, how does this benefit you? Well, considering the advertisers are paying more for the ads targeted with these high paying keywords, you, as the AdSense advertiser, will gain greater revenue for these higher paying ads whenever they appear on your site. Figure out which are the higher paying keywords and you will attract the higher paying ads and thus the higher paying revenue.
Now you may be asking yourself how you can locate those higher paying keywords. This is where it can get tricky.
Yes, there are obvious high paying keywords which anyone can guess; Insurance Rates and Viagra come to mind. But, if your niche is not in one of these over saturated areas, it may be a little more difficult to figure this out.
Google has a great free tool for you.
One great tool to assist you in this endeavor is the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. If you type your keyword(s) or phrase into the search box, Google will not only deliver you the keyword stats based on historical data, they also have a column you can add to show the Estimated Average Cost Per Click (CPC) that advertisers are paying for those keywords. (Note: This is not displayed as a default column, you must choose it from the customize columns list)
Experiment with different keywords and see which are gaining the most CPC. This can give you some insight into the higher paying ads.
Make sure enough ads exist in your niche.
Once you have determined some of the higher priced keywords, head over to Google and type those terms into the search box. Make sure that there are enough relevant ads for those keywords in the top and left hand columns. If there are several ads, it generally is a competitive keyword and chances are it is paying a higher revenue. Numerous ads will also insure you will have these higher paying ads appearing more frequently on your blog.

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Highest Paying Keywords | Turbocharge Your Income by Going For Gold Standard Keywords

Highest Paying Keywords | Turbocharge Your Income by Going For Gold Standard Keywords

There's a number of reasons that you would want to find the highest paying keywords, particularly if you are signed up with AdSense as a publisher. This also applies if you are an affiliate promoting products as you don't want to really target keywords where there is no or little advertiser interest. This is because people advertising with programs like Google AdWords are spending their cold, hard earned cash bidding on these terms. Now do you think these people would be bidding several dollars a click if they weren't making money out of it? The ones that do go broke fast, so it stands to reason that high advertiser competition and high bid prices means that keyword phrase is profitable.
Making Money With AdSense
Becoming a publisher with Google AdSense is relatively straight forward. You need to decide on what niche you are going to build a website about and what keywords you are going to use on your pages. At this point it would be a very good idea to find out what the highest paying keywords are in your chosen niche. Actually take a step back a moment and first of all find out if the niche you are interested in actually has demand and is a good choice. Once you have done that, you need to decide what keywords you want that are relevant to your chosen niche topic.
Build A Keyword List
Or buy one. Keyword research is a vital step in this process. In essence what you need to do is build up a large list of possible keywords to use on your site, then narrow down your selections so that you have high paying keywords that aren't going to be so competitive you stand no chance of ever ranking for them in the search engines. As I say, you can do this manually or you can save time by buying a well researched limited distribution keyword list that has already been compiled.
Once you have decided upon your 'in demand' niche and those profitable keywords all you need to do then is build a website with good quality content based around these terms and get it indexed in the search engines. Once you are getting quality visitors to your site, you'll have some of the highest paying keywords on your pages and as a result the ads displayed will have a higher than average cost per click. This translates to more income per website visitor for you, the publisher. If you are an affiliate, targeting these keywords will give you a better return on your bottom line because those keywords will convert better for you.

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Google Adsense and Top Paying Keywords

Google Adsense and Top Paying Keywords

For starters, to make good money from Google Adsense™ you need to optimise your website with top paying keywords. For Google™ to know what ads to serve on your site, it has to send a robot (software with specific instructions) to scan your site and know what it is all about (your website’s theme). On the basis of the results obtained from that scan (which takes a flash), Google™ will go ahead and serve you with ads that match your site’s content (Adsense).
This is where the much talked about top paying keywords come in. If the theme of your website is centred on a certain topic for example Holiday Tours, Google™ will serve ads on your site relating to holiday tours. So all you need to do is to find the top paying keywords for your niche and optimise them for your site. By optimising I mean using the keywords in your title, description and body (Note: Optimisation means more than this, it is fairly complex and I will save that discussion for another day).
But is that all? That all you need to do is to find top paying keywords, use them to optimise your site and you will be served with ads that will reward you a couple of dollars per click? Definitely not and I will tell you why. Let us use ‘Holiday Tours’ as our top paying keyword and let us assume that it pays $15 a click (bear in mind that there are keywords that cost up to $50 a click). Taking that keyword and using it to optimise your website does not necessarily mean that Google™ will serve you with ads that will earn you say $5 or $10 a click. Why?
Reason being that there are many advertisers who could be bidding for that keyword. Yes some could be paying $15, but again there are those who will pay as low as 5 cents for the same keyword. Now this is the trouble. Google™ could be serving you ads relevant to your theme, but those ads could be costing as low as 10 cents and hence low payouts. There are speculations as to what criteria Google™ uses to serve high paying keywords. Some say it is the age of you website, the older the better, some say the popularity, the higher the ranking the better. These once again are rumours and none of these guys work for Google™.
The lesson here is that do not think that all you need to do is to grab high paying keywords, use them to optimise your website and you will get high paying clicks. It takes more than that. And if that was the case, trust me, we could all be displaying high cost ads on our sites and earning thousands, but unfortunately it is not the case. So for those paying a premium for “high paying keywords”, you may want to think twice before you part with your hard earned dollar. In any case you can get high paying keywords for free, yes I mean without paying a cent.

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Pick High Paying Keywords in Your Niche and Double Your AdSense Income

Pick High Paying Keywords in Your Niche and Double Your AdSense Income

I shared this list of Latest Highest Paying Keywords for 2009 earlier and a lot of bloggers and webmasters said that all the keywords mentioned in this list does not belong to their niche (target market), so it is pointless to use this list. I completely agree with you all, that such highest paying keywords are related with some financial / legal / medical niche and you can not utilize this list to your blog or website provided you share the same niche.
In this post, I am going to disclose you how you can choose highest paying keywords which are related with your blog or website. Let me first explain you the importance of selecting highest paying keywords and the amount of difference it can make to your Google AdSense earning.
For example, if you are going to write an article on say "Affiliate Marketing" and you really don't know about the highest paying keywords and you write complete article without incorporating any keywords with high value. In this case Google AdSense web crawler will crawl your page and display ads next to your content but a relatively lower Cost Per Click (CPC) say $3.78.
On the other hand if you do a prior research on highest paying keywords and incorporate the highest paying keywords in your article, for example "Affiliate Marketing Online Program" is a high paying keyword, then Google AdSense will display ads next to your content but this time with comparatively higher Cost Per Click i.e $6.78. You can notice the difference in Cost Per Click (CPC) of $3 straight away which means your income will be doubled as compared to before. In some cases this difference can be huge, so the bottom line is if you do a little research beforehand it will definitely increase your online income big time. It's never too late to do research on High Paying Keywords and it really pays to increase Google AdSense earnings exponentially.
Now the question arises: How to select Highest Paying Keywords specifically for your website's niche?
Well! you don't have to go outside the Google to find out the solution. Google itself provides you a very powerful tool to select highest paying keywords for your niche and you need to follow a very simple trick to learn how to earn more from that keyword tool.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool provides you the solution of selecting the highest paying keywords for your niche blog or website.
It provides to two options to choose from: -
Option 1. Descriptive words or phrases (e.g. green tea)
In this option you can simply write few keywords on which you want to perform the keyword research.
Option 2. Website content (e.g. [])
In this option you can provide the link of your website on which you want to perform the keyword research. (See the picture1 at the bottom of this post)
Once you have entered the keywords or URL, you can simply click on "Get Keywords Ideas" button to proceed.
As soon as you hit that button it will show a comprehensive list of keywords along with other information like "Advertiser Competition", "Local Search Volume" and "Global Monthly Search Volume" which you can use for your research.
On the right side just below the two options there is another option which says "Choose columns to display". Select "Show Estimated CPC" as soon as you select that option now keywords will be displayed along with average CPC. (See the picture2 at the bottom of this post)
Now click on "Estimated Avg CPC" text to sort it in ascending or descending order.
There you go! You can see the highest paying keywords in your niche. Now you can incorporate these keywords to attract highest paying ads to your blog or website. Like if you want to earn high then let your blog be an all round blog some time you go out of line and may pick a topic from one of the list below
research on the topic and write on it may be on student consolidated loan. The web crawler crawls and brings you add worth almost 40 busks then you are on.
Do share your experience of using this trick! Good luck!
I have compiled this list of Highest Paying Keywords for AdSense from various sources.
S/No. Keywords CPC ($)
1. Purchase Structured Settlements 53.48
2. Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego 51.47
3. Secured Loan Calculator 51.35
4. Structured Settlement Investments 50.45
5. Endowment Selling 50.35
6. Mesothelioma Patients 50.23
7. Mesothelioma attorney san diego 50.07
8. Austin Texas dwi lawyers 50.03
9. New York Mesothelioma Lawyers 50.01
10. Phoenix dui lawyers 50.01
11. Secured Loans 50.01
12. Insurance Auto 50.00
13. Phoenix dui attorney 50.00
14. car free insurance online quote 50.00
15. students debt consolidation loans 49.96
16. Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyers 49.87
17. data recovery Denver 49.71
18. adverse credit remortgages 49.56
19. bad credit remortgages 49.47
20. data recovery service los angeles 49.37
21. Consolidating Students Loan 49.30
22. Students Loan Consolidation Rates 49.17
23. Boston dui lawyers 49.02
24. memphis car insurance 48.86
25. conference calling companies 48.64
26. dui attornes los angeles 48.60
27. georgia car accident lawyers 48.36
28. san diego dui defense 48.32
29. Phoenix arizona dui lawyers 48.28
30. Los angeles dwi attorneys 48.20
31. Student Consolidation Loans 48.15
32. free quote for car insurance 48.11
33. irs tax lawyers 48.08

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5 Easy Steps to Discover High Paying Keywords for AdSense

5 Easy Steps to Discover High Paying Keywords for AdSense

You need to stuff your web page with high paying keywords to get maximum return from each click on AdSense ads. Now here question arises how to find best high paying keywords for AdSense specifically, which pays high returns on each click.
Finding high paying keywords for AdSense is not a tough job because Google itself helps us to find profit making keywords with its free keyword research tool.
To find the high paying keywords open and type "Google keyword tool" in search box and hit enter. You will get Google external keyword tool first.
Step 1 - Open and sign into keyword tool with your Gmail account.
You will get maximum 200 keywords list if you are searching without logging to account. However, you will get more than 700-800 keywords when you are searching with Gmail login.
Step 2 - After successfully login with Gmail account in to keyword research tool, click on "column" button and select "estimated avg. cpc (average cost per click)" option. This search criteria show the average cost per click which an advertiser will pay to Google if someone click on his ads.
Higher the amount he pays to Google, higher you will get percentage of share from Google. There is no definite mathematics given by Google about revenue sharing.
Step 3 - Put your main keyword in search or phrase box and click on search. You will get the list of keywords in few seconds. Your can see the average cost paid by each advertiser who bids on this keywords.
Step 4 - Sort this column in descending order, you will get full list of keywords starting with high paying keywords to low paying keywords.
Compare the global monthly searches and estimated average cost per click. You will see direct relationship with global monthly searches and estimated average cost per click.
Step 5 - Cost per click goes high with estimated monthly search volume. Select and download these keywords to your hard drive. This is your list of high paying keywords for AdSense.
Stuff your web pages around these keywords. You will get better rewards on every click on Google AdSense ads.

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Google AdSense Top Paying Keywords | How to Make Money With AdSense

One of the best ways to make passive income when you are first starting out is with Google AdSense. AdSense pays you by the click and if you have doing this for a while, you will realize not all topics pay the same.
There are certain niches or topics that pay out much better. Different AdSense publishers are always on the lookout for keywords that can provide easy money. This only means that the higher the advertiser pays for a certain keyword, the more they will receive when they click the link.
So if you own a site or blog and would want to make money though Google AdSense, the first thing you need to do is choose the right keywords and phrases to be put in your site's content.
It is important that before you achieve greater traffic and greater income, choose the right keywords because this will determine how much money you will earn. Once you've discovered the top-paying keywords in Google AdSense, you can earn in as much as $3 per click while the lowest earning could be $0.01 per click.
From my experience, the top paying AdSense keywords are mostly related to financial services and insurance such as mortgage, life insurance, car insurance and student loans etc.
Of course, there are other topics that do pay out quite well such as in education, some medical terms. Below are 10 keywords that have always pay out more than others.
1. mesothelioma
2 cheap auto insurance
3 consolidate student loan
4 life insurance quote
5 cheap car insurance
6 refinance home
7 car insurance quote
8 refinancing
9 online car insurance
10 online insurance quotes
Google does not tell AdSense publishers how much each click you will get for each topic. In the past, it was more or less a trial and error thing. However, Google has a keyword tool that does provide the cost per click for AdWords advertisers.
From there, you can gauge the average payout per click based on the highest CPC shown. Do note, you are almost unlikely to get that amount but it will still provide you with a rough indication of how much you should get on average per click.
Discover how to find Google AdSense top paying keywords []. Learn which are the high paying AdSense keywords [] online.

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Google AdSense Top Paying Keyword - How Do I Find the Highest Paying Keywords?

Google AdSense Top Paying Keyword - How Do I Find the Highest Paying Keywords?

You realize that Google AdSense has the ability to make you some decent extra income. And, actually you might begin to think like some others who have done it, that you can make a living off of AdSense revenue.
Some do make a full time income from AdSense. However, I would point out that they are in the minority. Regardless, you can make extra money by adding AdSense to your websites and blogs.
Many folks start their businesses with their passion or interests in mind and then just add AdSense to it which helps subsidize what they're making online otherwise. This is what the majority of people do.
Now, there are others who wish to aim higher and earn a living from AdSense. This is possible but you have to think smart and look for hot niches and markets. You also have to work harder or smarter to get the necessary traffic to your sites and blogs.
Google AdSense Top Paying Keyword
For those that are looking to maximize their income from AdSense without guessing as to what might profitable there is often a question around how to find the highest paying AdSense keywords.
How do you find them? Well interestingly enough their are other websites devoted to providing lists of top paying Google AdSense keywords. So you can check those out and see if they can help. Some may have outdated lists and other sites will have a product to sell you. This might be the best way to go and that will be up to you to choose.
If you don't have much cash to begin with or you just like to go on your own, then you create sites and blogs that have high paying keywords anyway. You just need to use head and look around and see what is popular and what sells. You'll be able to think of things almost instantly. A couple of examples are credit cards and cellphones. You know both are always in demand and with that said, advertisers will pay a lot to get a their ads out there.
I hope this has been helpful and good luck in your search.
For more in-depth analysis including more tips and tricks visit my site. You can grab a free copy of a 79 page AdSense guide from one of the masters in this field - []

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Friday, March 25, 2011

My Experience in Google Adsence | Step To Avoid Ban Account Google Adsence

 My Experience in Google Adsence | Step To Avoid Ban Account Google Adsence

The easiest way to make money with Google AdSense. All you need to create and share the HTML code and maintenance. At first glance it seems easy, but it is not. I tell you what you do with Google ads on your site.

Many blogger want have a lot of blog but get no clicks because they want quick money, but if the blog is too long, "breaking down" to search Google, visitors do not get it. Google's Adsense has many meanings, but it takes time to enter each individual account. They do this when you see them, or if there is too much pressure on them. I think that if your account is blocked.

I must follow the advertising policy. I know many blog and read their policies, but I think with all the time, look at his command, follow the instructions. Google has changed my three working days of your blog. But if I did not take the initiative for 3 days?

Ah, I actively ordered list of Google AdSense account:

     * do not advertise the title or the title is wrong, because they think these ads on the linked pages consumers may be confused with the actual head.
     * Check the ads "sponsored links " or "advertisements " only. Enter the text ads. If you receive a warning from Google.
     * All pages must be consistent.